Tethered: Being Connected to Jesus
This podcast exists to help followers of Jesus abide in Him daily in various areas of life in order to enjoy Him and glorify Him forever!
Podcasting since 2022 • 46 episodes
Tethered: Being Connected to Jesus
Latest Episodes
Part One: Till the Whole World Hears - Work Out by Living Out Your Calling! (Conversation with Joey Moralez & SJ Gottschamer)
This is a bonus episode of Tethered! This episode features part one of a conversation with Joey Moralez, the main host of Tethered, and Joey's good friend, SJ Gottschamer! The conversation is moderated by Noah Turner, who was a guest previously...
Season 3
Episode 9
Part Three: Just Abide 3.0 - Work Out by Truly Abiding in Jesus! (Conversation with Bert Suluvale)
This episode features conclues our conversation with Bert Suluvale! In this final part, we continue our conversation about the importance of abiding in Christ for the sake of enjoying Him. He discussed why abiding in Jesus is important not sole...
Season 3
Episode 8
Part Two: Just Abide 3.0 - Work Out by Truly Abiding in Jesus! (Conversation with Bert Suluvale)
This episode features part two of a conversation with Bert Suluvale! We continue our conversation about the importance of abiding in Christ for the sake of enjoying Him. He discussed why abiding in Jesus is important not solely for keeping the ...
Season 3
Episode 7
Part One: Just Abide 3.0 - Work Out by Truly Abiding in Jesus! (Conversation with Bert Suluvale)
This episode features part one of a conversation with Bert Suluvale, who was previously featured in Season 1! We chat with Bert about the importance of abiding in Christ for the sake of enjoying Him. Bert has a deep love and zeal for Jesus. He ...
Season 3
Episode 6
Part Two: Marinade Like Lamb Chops - Work Out by Bible Meditation & Memorization! (Conversation with Paul Charles)
This episode concludes our conversation with Paul Charles. In this second part, we continue discussing why meditating on Scripture and memorizing Scripture are important spiritual disciplines and how they can help you, dear listener, be tethere...
Season 3
Episode 5
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